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Research paper war

Research paper war

research paper war

To experience genuine writing help from our experts, you only need Research Paper Topics For The Civil War to request, “write Research Paper Topics For The Civil War my essay for me,” and then let us take good care of you/10() The research paper on war should highlight the destructiveness that a war causes and it should also end up in a message that wars should be avoided as much as they can be. Research paper on war is an exercise that needs a student’s skill in terms of good reading and understanding This sample War Crimes Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. Also check our tips on how to write a research paper, see the lists of research paper topics, and browse research paper examples

Research Paper on War |

View sample political science research paper on civil war. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all research paper war academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced writers for help.

This is how your paper can get an A! Feel free to contact our writing service for professional assistance. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. Civil Wars Versus Other Types of Internal Political Violence. For various reasons, the relative peace among the members of the state system did not seem to elicit a similar effect within the members of the research paper war system during the six decades after World War II.

It is perhaps not surprising then that scholarly literature on civil wars has grown substantially—and substantively—in the 21st century.

Scholars ostensibly accept that civil wars are social phenomena distinct from interstate wars, which implies that civil wars likely have causes, correlates, and outcomes that are substantively different from the causes, correlates, and outcomes of interstate wars. This research paper discusses the major theoretical contributions and controversies related to the civil war research program.

First, civil wars are defined conceptually, then operationally. Second, major theories focusing on the causes of civil wars are discussed, along with future directions and policy implications.

The paper ends with a summary and a brief note on the current state of civil war research. While the discussions herein are by no means exhaustive, they tend to focus on the most notable civil war theories at this time, research paper war.

Civil war is defined in two ways: conceptually and operationally. The latter definition is subordinate to the former in that the latter attempts to make the former definition empirically useful, research paper war. As will become clear, the disagreements among scholars about operational definitions can be traced to divergent opinions about what civil wars are conceptually.

It is thus necessary to commence with the conceptualization of civil war prior to discussing alternative operational definitions. The first step is to elucidate what makes a war a civil war. Simply, civil wars are those fought between or among disputants within a single country, in contrast to wars fought between or among disputants of different countries.

But to characterize civil wars as different from interstate wars in this manner is to miss the truly consequential differences between the two types of wars. A twofold trend of civil wars not found in interstate wars makes civil war a conceptually different type of war. First, civil wars are fought between disputants of relatively unequal political stature.

States ostensibly have the sole legitimate authority to use coercive power within the country. Likewise, increased state vigilance manifestly threatens the ability of subgroups to govern themselves.

In both cases, the state is politically superior to the outgroup. This contrasts with interstate wars, which involve disputants who are—theoretically— political equals. That is, no one state is legally subordinate to another. Were these states ever to war with each other, there would be no rebel group. This distinction in the relative political in equality of the disputants in civil and interstate wars arises because of the structural contexts within which the two types of wars occur.

As mentioned, research paper war, an established civil hierarchy exists whereby states can force compliance legitimately. It is this hierarchy that rebels seek to deconstruct or reconstruct and which the states wish to preserve or augment. Conversely, the international system is void of a formal, constitutional order Waltz, Although counterintuitive, that civil wars occur where there is order does research paper war correlate with less chaos.

Indeed, some posit that civil research paper war tend toward more chaos than do interstate wars precisely because order preexisted e, research paper war.

In this view, chaos erupts because disruption of the extant order leads to a disruption of the sociopolitical paradigm by which all citizens and groups of citizens interact.

On the other hand, there is no sociopolitical paradigm to be corrupted on the international stage; the only type of war affecting the macro sociopolitical paradigm of the international system would be world wars Vazquez, Empirical data tend research paper war validate the idea that civil wars have a relatively more violent disposition. Mason estimates that civil wars producedbattle deaths per year in the first five decades after World War II.

The update of Correlates of War shows the same trend, with more battle deaths attributed to civil wars than to interstate wars Sarkees, research paper war, Even these data obscure the differences in brutality. That is, the task of labeling the enemy a barbarian research paper war the civil war context appears much simpler than the task a state would have in labeling another state barbarous.

And if such labeling is a virtually necessary condition of civilian casualties, then it follows that civilian casualties are research paper war likely to occur in civil wars than in interstate wars.

The point is this: Not only do civil wars substantively differ from interstate wars, but logic and evidence suggest that these differences explain why civil wars tend to take on a decidedly more violent disposition, including the tendency to produce substantial civilian casualties.

On distinguishing civil wars from interstate wars, the task remains to discriminate civil wars from other forms of domestic mass behavior and political violence. One characteristic is that civil wars involve collective action Lichbach, ; Mason, For collective action to occur, individuals face a paradox they must resolve in order to commit to group goals Lichbach, research paper war, ; Olson,in this case rebellion.

Briefly, the benefits of a successful rebellion are public goods. When a good is categorized as a public good, it means a that the good is not able to be excluded from public consumption—that is, the good cannot be privately held—and b that the enjoyment of the good by one consumer does not diminish the quality or quantity of the good for another individual.

The implication is that an individual who had not aided in the rebellion would still be able to partake of the benefits of a successful rebellion, research paper war. And given that the costs of a failed rebellion likely would be heavy for participants, both possible outcomes incentivize choosing to stay home instead of joining the group.

The emergent paradox is that if everyone were to join, success would be virtually guaranteed, but since the potential costs of joining are so high, few do so at first Lichbach, Civil wars occur only when a critical mass of individuals overcomes the incentives to stay home.

To be certain, similar paradoxes arise for other types of collective action, including protesting and rioting. What separates the collective action in civil wars from these other types is that civil wars simultaneously involve collective action rebellionpolitical motivations deposition or preservation of sociopolitical orderand reciprocation fighting between the rebels and the state. That is, in civil wars, political motivations undergird collective action, which manifests in violent rebellion to which states violently respond.

Civil wars combine collective action with violence that is both political research paper war reciprocal. Each concept is discussed in turn below. Criminals, by contrast, tend to be research paper war ambitious. The former wanted to live by a sociopolitical order wholly autonomous and distinct from the sociopolitical order imposed by the Sri Lankan central government. Conversely, Al Capone and his ilk sought only to live outside the sociopolitical order and had little desire, if any, to displace or significantly alter the prevailing sociopolitical order, research paper war.

Antistate behavior wrought by criminal motivation is coincidental—a strategy used to navigate around state strictures that occasionally pose inconveniences. To classify civil wars as inherently political is hardly to isolate them from other phenomena, research paper war. In neither of these types, though, is the violence mutual. In the case of politicide, the state targets civilians who do not and—perhaps—cannot fight back. For this reason, routs, massacres, or any other type of one-sided violence conceptually differs from civil wars; each can, however, be a precursor to civil war Kalyvas, ; Mason, While it is generally accepted that mutual violence between disputants is a necessary condition for a civil war to exist, there is debate about whether the state must be a disputant.

The phenomenon of failed states in particular has brought this issue to the fore. The modern sociopolitical arrangement requires a state to impose social contracts and to provide its citizens with basic protections from internal and external threats Migdal, Weak states have limited capacities to do so and often co-opt existing social networks in order to accomplish the most basic operations Migdal, In failed states, not only are the most basic state operations neglected, but no coherent apparatus exists from which the state can operate, research paper war, nor is there a general consensus among the populace of what or, more important, of who the state is Buzan, The problem for civil war studies is whether the type of fighting typically observed within the territories associated with failed states constitutes civil war, a subtype of civil war, or a separate type of conflict altogether.

At issue is the absence of the state as a disputant in the fighting taking place in these countries. In one of the most important research paper war influential books on conflict, Small and Singer include among their civil war criteria the requirement that the research paper war must be a disputant in the internal fighting, research paper war.

Yet Sambanis observes that this principle is not uniformly applied. In Somalia, for instance, a state does not exist in any institutional coherence. Research paper war is, consequently, research paper war, no state involvement in the brutal fighting ongoing within the territory.

Still, scholars tend to classify the conflict as a civil war Sambanis, research paper war, ; see, e. To reconcile this incongruence, some degree of nuance has been added. A claimant is any substate group that asserts its right to fill the void left by, or never occupied by, the state. The fighting in territories of failed states often occurs among multiple, competing claimants Holsti, research paper war, Under this context, research paper war, such conflicts ostensibly pit disputants against one another for the right to impose their preferred sociopolitical order.

As noted above, research paper war, violent conflict over sociopolitical order within a territory is what makes wars civil wars. For this reason, conflicts in Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, and Somalia, for example, tend to be classified as civil wars. This makes sense considering that research paper war is essentially what states are doing when they instigate or reciprocate violence against coherent substate groups.

States fight for the right to impose their sociopolitical order in the given territory, which is exactly what substate groups do in the absence of a coherent state. Consider a few examples. Secessionist conflicts occur when ethnic enclaves attempt to dissolve their political ties to an existing nation-state in favor of forming their own, research paper war. Competing claims about who ought to impose whose sociopolitical order therefore evolve from the ethnic enclave and from the extant state.

The Chechens believe they ought to be able to impose their preferred sociopolitical order within Chechnya, but Russia claims the right to project its preferred sociopolitical order from Moscow. Some intrastate conflicts are believed to emerge because one socioeconomic group perceives itself to be disadvantaged or exploited by another socioeconomic group, which usually controls the state, research paper war.

The social revolution in China that took place throughout the s and s represents this type of conflict, as do other rebellions, especially other research paper war revolutions. In that conflict, the Communist Party of China won support from peasants, arguing that the system as run by the Kuomintang exploited the peasants and left them altogether politically powerless.

The Kuomintang fought to preserve its right to occupy the state apparatus from which it could impose its preferred sociopolitical order. Finally, conflicts in territories of failed states, as mentioned above, often involve competing claimants to the state. That is, the substate groups battle for the right to impose their preferred sociopolitical order throughout the territory. Each, research paper war, in the absence of a coherent state, sought the right to impose his preferred sociopolitical order throughout the Congo.

Although these three examples are by no means exhaustive of the types of intrastate conflict observed, the examples do cover many of the contexts from which intrastate conflict emerges.

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War Research Paper – Free Samples for Every Instance | WePapers

research paper war

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