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Argumentative Essay on Single Sex School [A+ Example]
Several arguments press for recognition of same-sex parent adoption rights in all U. Firstly anti-gay politicians willfully misinterpreted a Constitutional clause to suppress such rights. Secondly, same-sex parents are normal humans with normal parental cravings mostly finding adoption the only solution.
Thirdly same-sex parents are responsible and aware of financial and other implications of adoption. Fourthly many children await adoption, many of whom are not acceptable to heterosexual couples.
Fifthly there is no evidence that children are harmed — sexually or otherwise — by being reared by same-sex parents. Lastly legally refusing second-parent adoption after artificial insemination is unjust to child and non-birth giving parents.
In overall perspective, current indications display a favorable response from the American people towards same-sex parent adoption. Emboldened by increasing global recognition of their sexual orientation, the latest venture of gays dissertation on same sex classes lesbians into obtaining more rights has been into parenthood by legal adoption.
In the United States, at present, the District of Columbia, as well as 11 states {California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Vermont}, have laws in place that permit same-sex married couples to adopt children.
It is high time the remaining States emulate them, take cognizance of the overwhelming arguments in favor of the practice, stop their unfair restriction and allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. The first argument charges U. The part in question is Section I in Article IV of the U. This clause has been manipulated to suppress the rights of same-sex parents.
The issue of same-sex marriage during the Presidential elections was well exploited by the righteous President Bush {professing support for a Constitutional amendment to withdraw permission to states to seek their own solution and ban same-sex marriages outright} to secure victory over John Kerry. The victory of Bush at that time must be reconsidered in the light of 3 interesting facts.
Secondly, the years leading to threw up statistics that greatly undermined the Bush anti-gay stance. A poll conducted by Evan B.
The gay movement received its greatest boost in the Lawrence v Texas landmark case in where the U. The success factor can be assessed from the fact that at present {apart from the 11 states and dissertation on same sex classes District of Columbia that allow same-sex parents to adopt}, just 1 state {Florida} prohibits adoption both by single gays as well as same-sex parents, 2 states Missouri and North Dakota} are unclear on both issues, 3 states {Mississippi, New Hampshire, and Utah} allow adoption by single gays but not same-sex parents, while the remaining states allow single gays to adopt while at the same time do not clearly prohibit adoption rights to same-sex parents.
While no one could have imagined a decade ago that we would see same-sex civil unions or marriages happening in our lifetime Lev, 27and the makers of the Constitution certainly could not have even dreamt of such a situation, their foresight in writing Article IV, Section I of the Constitution as they did is highly commendable.
The second argument is that same-sex parents are normal human beings who possess the same human characteristics and drives as their heterosexual counterparts. Thinking about becoming a parent is a normative development process for all people — men and women — during their reproductive and middle years — a process that was stolen, hidden, dissertation on same sex classes, or barred from them until dissertation on same sex classes past decade Lev, They dissertation on same sex classes have children in three ways: they can bring with them children from earlier relationships {applicable to gay men and women}, they can choose to get impregnated by artificial insemination Dissertation on same sex classes, 14 {applicable to lesbians} or they can go in for legal adoption.
While the third option is available to dissertation on same sex classes men and women, the former find it is the only way out in case neither of the partners has children from earlier relationships. The third argument is that same-sex parents are as responsible as their heterosexual counterparts.
In fact, they are the most prepared parents in the world Lev, Deciding to adopt is not easy. It brings with it new costs and financial responsibilities Sember, 20 and it is difficult and inconvenient, involving evaluation by other people {not all of whom are gay-friendly} Sember, 19who conduct that is probably the most feared hurdle in the adoption process by same-sex parents — the home study Sember, The fourth argument is that there is an inordinately large number of children in the country who are on the adoption waiting list.
These children are often removed from their homes abruptly and. in the middle of very stressful situations Sember, Rob Woronoff, spokesperson of Child Welfare League of America {CWLA} has gone on record to state that the child welfare system in the U.
is mired in deep crisis because there are not enough families coming forward to adopt children. North American Council on Adoptable Children reports that nearlychildren are in foster homes in the U. Most of the children have been abused, mistreated, dissertation on same sex classes, or emotionally damaged in the process of being moved around to different foster homes Sember, Out of these, althoughare ready for adoption, only 50, ultimately reach permanent homes every year. In the U.
Adoptive parents feel considerably ostracized, which is a feeling gays and lesbians already know how to cope with Sember, By not allowing adoption by same-sex parents, the authorities are not permitting the already existing loving relationship between children and same-sex couples to blossom into full-fledged fruition dissertation on same sex classes by society.
This attitude is especially unfair to the children as they are being refused the opportunity to live in safe, sound, and permanent households, as well as hypocritical because some states do their best to encourage the adoption of foster care children by providing special tuition assistance or waivers Sember, Also weighing in the favor of same-sex parents is their tendency not to shy away from trans-racial domestic {usually African-American or Latino children} or international {usually Asian children} adoption Lev, The fifth argument is that researchers have been unable to find any evidence that children are harmed by being reared by same-sex parents Lev, Anti-gay arguments that children are in danger of being sexually abused by gay men have been proven wrong by large-scale research of sexually abused children that discovered the crime perpetrators were almost totally either heterosexuals in adult alliances or men who did not have any sexual urge towards adults, dissertation on same sex classes.
In addition, scientific studies have discovered 2 important facts. Added in favor of same-sex parents is the fact that the divorce rate for heterosexual couples in the U. S is 45 percent for the first marriage, dissertation on same sex classes, 60 percent for the second Lev, 46the potential of divorce increasing thereafter after each successive marriage Lev, ; it is well known that divorce causes great upheaval in the life of children who often suffer unpleasant repercussions well into their later lives.
By not permitting adoption {second-parent adoption in this case}, the non-birth-giving parent does not have legal custody of the child. As a result, if the custodial parent dies, dissertation on same sex classes other parent and child are both adversely affected.
Despite having been actively involved in rearing the child, maybe even for many years, the other parent is looked upon as a stranger by the law. In conclusion, the issue of adoption by gay and lesbian couples in most States is no more than an ill-concealed attempt by right-wing factions to revive the prejudice that earlier existed against gays and lesbians. First, it was formal recognition, then acceptance into the armed forces, dissertation on same sex classes, then it was marriage and now it is adoption.
The latest issue has nothing to do with the welfare of adoptable children, but only glaringly exposes the lengths to which the anti-gay right-wing will stoop to incorporate their prejudice into state laws and employ them as a ploy to attract a greater share of the anti-gay vote bank, dissertation on same sex classes. Sadly for them, their efforts are doomed to failure simply because Americans are displaying more understanding and acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships, and they will definitely view the right-wing stance as unjustifiably punitive.
Adam Pertman, executive director of Evan B. Lev, A. USA: Berkeley Publishing Group. Sember, dissertation on same sex classes, B. USA: Career Press. Legality of Same-Sex Marriages Parents Adopting Children. Learn More. Our academic experts can deliver a custom essay specifically for you. Use discount. Learn more. The following paper on Legality of Dissertation on same sex classes Marriages Parents Adopting Children was written by a student and can be used for your research or references.
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Nov 15, · The success factor can be assessed from the fact that at present {apart from the 11 states and the District of Columbia that allow same-sex parents to adopt}, just 1 state {Florida} prohibits adoption both by single gays as well as same-sex parents, 2 states (Missouri and North Dakota} are unclear on both issues, 3 states {Mississippi, New At we Dissertation On Same Sex Classes have a team of MA and PhD qualified experts Dissertation On Same Sex Classes working tirelessly to provide high quality customized writing solutions to all your assignments including essays, term papers, research papers, dissertations, coursework and projects Nov 20, · Same sex marriage thesis for reflective essay what i learned. Rob Monroe autism essay titles, need help writing a descriptive essay, how to cite apa in a paper. Umich. Uphsd student handbook for high school 44 fx. J. , potter. 5. We ordered paper, staplers, scissors, markers, and tape
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